Tuesday, July 19, 2016

How can you tell if your pet’s heart is pumping right?

How can you tell if your pet’s heart is pumping right?
Schedule your pet’s annual checkup today and let’s take a listen!

When you’re a pet owner, you know a lot about the health of your pet just by using your senses. You can see your pet’s eyes when they’re goopy. You can smell their ear infection a mile away. You can feel the lumps and bumps on their skin. But what about their heart? How do you know if that organ is healthy?

Heart disease affects pets of all ages. For example, certain breeds of dogs and cats are at a higher risk of heart disease at a young age. Others develop heart conditions later in life, when another illness crops up. Some pets develop heart disease at any age without noticeable signs. Yes, their heart may not be pumping right even though their tails are wagging and purring is at an all-time high!

If your pet’s heart is not checked regularly, your pet may be at risk for heart disease and in some cases, a shortened lifespan. The good news is, if caught early, most issues can be treated or managed successfully for years. And if your pet already has a heart condition but is regularly monitored by our practice, often we can slow its progression.

Schedule your pet’s yearly checkup. During the exam, we’ll take a listen to make sure your pet’s heart sounds right. We’ll also perform a few other easy tests if needed to keep your pet’s ticker in the best shape possible!

When we think of love, we think of hearts. And we love your pet. It’s why we do what we do. Make an appointment today by calling 615-672-0357!

White House Animal Hospital 615-672-0357
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